BEアカデミーは、大阪府枚方市にあるインターナショナル・プリスクールで、未就学児向け英語保育園、小学生向け英会話スクール、英語学童保育等を併設しています。「Education with Love(愛のある教育)を実践する」は私たちの教育理念です。水がないと花が育たないように、愛がないと教育は実りません。ですから子どもたちを愛することから始めます。この理念に共感し、仕事の楽しさや自分の成長に興味のある方を歓迎します。
●ネイティブ講師補助 ●保育士 ●保育補助 ●英語学童保育指導
勤務日: 月~土曜日から選択
勤務時間: 8:00~19:00から選択
英語力: 英検準2級以上 or TOEIC410以上
資格: 保育士資格〈無い場合は入社後に取得のサポートがあります。〉
BE Academy is owned and managed by ErisArk Co.Ltd., founded by Shigemitsu Koike in 2003.
Be Academy currently employs a total of 26 employees, including foreign and Japanese staff. Be Academy’s administration goal is to provide happiness to children and their parents through childcare and education.
Our educational philosophy is centered on the principles of education with love.
We aim to satisfy our customers and build a comfortable relationship by offering our service with love and kindness, a timely response and resolution, and seamless teamwork.
We want to be known for our children’s English speaking fluency, clear pronunciation and speaking confidence.
We fully understand that our staff is the main element that empowers Be Academy and therefore endeavor to hire and promote the best in the field.
Teachers work in one location, assigned to their own classroom or team teaching with other foreign teachers and/or Japanese support staff. Teachers are responsible for curriculum implementation, active communication with both parents and students and securing safety, discipline and organization at all times.
All new teachers receive a one month on the job training.
Teachers are paired with seasoned staff to shadow and learn about the company policies and procedures, students and class curriculum.
Trainees strive to help the new teachers feel confident at the completion of their training. Teachers are observed and evaluated daily.
Both positive and constructive feedback helps our teachers to bond with the other staff and quickly feel like part of the team.
Successful applicants receive support and guidance to transition into their new jobs. During training, new teachers receive a 1-month training to prepare for their new positions.
New teachers also receive guidance and support to open a bank account, apply for health insurance and become familiar with the local facilities. Teachers who are interested in learning Japanese can even attend free lessons, sponsored by the local city hall.
During training, new teachers learn about our program and get to know our students through team teaching. Regular meetings and open communication is encouraged on a daily basis so teachers can talk about their lessons, questions or concerns. Workshops are also scheduled at the end of the month.
Be Academy rents apartments for teachers close to the place of work and train stations.
The company assists with contracts and initial costs. The teachers are responsible for monthly rent and utility costs. Apartments may be furnished or non-furnished, depending on availability.
インターナショナルスクール & キッズ英会話
BEアカデミー インターナショナル
大阪府枚方市東田宮1-11-1 駐車場完備
Higashitamiya 1-11-1, Hirakatashi, Osaka 5730023 JAPAN
TEL : 072-843-7500
FAX : 072-844-6634
E-mail: info@be-academy.com